What is the holistic way?

It is a comprehensive approach to wellness, addressing all root causes of imbalances and awakening your innate inner power.

Our comprehensive approach to wellness goes beyond just managing symptoms, aiming to address the root causes of imbalances while awakening your innate inner power. We believe in a holistic way of healing that incorporates physical, emotional, energetic, and environmental aspects.

Addressing the Root Causes:

  • Physical: Root cause treatments, doctors and plans are important when healing, specialising in Chronic Lyme, heavy metals, parasites, retroviruses, MCAS, PCOS, CIRS mold/Mould toxicity, and any dysregulations. We emphasise root cause treatments, detoxification, mind-body type nutrition, and establishing a deep self-connection with the physical body. We match you with the right protocols and practitioners for your particular needs.

  • Energy and Emotional bodies: Learn how to process emotions, heal and balance the energy body, Inner child healing, and unresolved emotions to achieve emotional and energetic balance.

  • Nervous System Reset: We offer a special technique to heal and reset the nervous system to reduce symptoms and help the body in the healing process.

  • Environmental Considerations: We offer guidance on testing air quality, supporting our homes, and using toxin-free products to support our bodies and living spaces. EMF, MOLD and other environmental overloads.

  • Brain retraining: Self-directed Neuroplasticity rewires the mindset, clearing limiting beliefs, and reprocessing mental blockages as these are essential steps in the healing process.

Achieving True Integration of Wellness:

Our bodies naturally seek balance, and imbalances are often indicators of areas that need attention. By addressing these imbalances and integrating the root causes, we move closer to a life of abundance and homeostasis.

  • This call is designed to offer you intuitive support that is tailored to your unique needs at the moment.

    Whether you're feeling overwhelmed, struggling with a health condition, or seeking to understand and resolve deeper emotional or mental blocks, our sessions will focus on addressing your current situation and providing guidance and resources to help you move forward.

    The aim is to assist you in creating a personalized plan that empowers you to navigate through challenges, find peace, and embrace a holistic approach to wellness.

    We can also connect you with professionals and protocols that align with your specific needs.

    Depending on your needs together, we may also explore the layers of your mind and uncover any barriers that may be holding you back. Through this process, you'll gain insights and tools to overcome obstacles and achieve greater harmony and balance in your life.

    Additionally, we may work on the nervous system and the energetic body to ease pain and promote energetic rebalancing, helping you to find a sense of flow and harmony in all aspects of your life.

    90-minute call

    Full wellness plan

    Doctors and treatment suggestions

    Full holistic plam
